Eden Prairie, MN 55344
United States
It’s always a good idea to take a check on fundamentals once in a while for any job. With the recent release of the upgraded Fusion fixed and tilt mounts, we thought this would be a good time to do just that. Consider this post an introduction to the new mount features as well as some solid tips on what to look for when selecting a mount for a specific display.
What size mount should I choose?
When choosing the right size mount for your display, you need to consider several items. Just because the typical screen size listed for the LTM1U is 37-63”, if your display is 60” the XTM1U might be a better solution. Typical screen size is just a rough guideline – the more important consideration is mounting pattern and weight capacity. MountFinder may give you several options for a display. Be sure to check out a few to find the best fit for the application.
Be aware that XL mounts will have a couple different features designed to ease XL installation and service. For example, large and extra large Fusion mounts come with back tilt to compensate for any sag caused by the weight of the screen.
Mounting pattern also comes into play when considering displays that could feasibly fit on either size mount. The new Fusion interfaces on the large solutions have a lower maximum height for mounting patterns (400 mm instead of 500 mm), so what may have worked for a display before might not be the case. MountFinder will be able to suggest the right extension accessory if one is needed for a particular display.
Your Questions. Answered!
We’ve received a few questions about the new mounts, and want to share some answers here.
Where do the bolts belong?
The bolt should be in the slot, not the keyhole, although it can be directly above the keyhole. The keyhole is slightly larger to allow for use of lag bolts to hang the mount, but they should not be used to support the mount. The mount is not secure until the bolts are in the slot.
Why do the washers look like that?
We’ve also had a question or two about the slotted washer. They allow you to install the lag bolts and hang the mount with the keyhole. You then slide the washer into place behind the head of the lag bolt before it is tightened down. The tab on the washer is to help you hold it in place while the bolt is tightened. This is so you don’t have to deal with a washer getting in the way while you are trying to hang the mount.
Any questions we missed? Let us know at or ask your local rep.

Lowrance Sound Company, Inc.
2132 Nailing Drive
Union City, TN 38261
(901) 885-4504